Monday, July 28, 2008

Payton and his horse Dante

The Grandpas

Oh how we love the Grandpas! Dave Holtom on the right, and Parke Josephson on the left. Payton is perfect mix of both. He loves to be busy, enjoy anything that includes country living, and spending as much time as he can with his grandparents.

Happy 4th of July

Hey all- We had a nice 4th of July- spent time w/ the Holtom clan, had a great BBQ, and then of course had to light fireworks. The kids collected enough candy from the parade, and loved
lighting everything they could. Abbie really loved the fireworks this year... Yikes, she get a little more and more like me everyday! Watch out Smokey Bear~~

The Boys

Yeeha! Payton and Grandpa Dave loving being cowboys. Our boy Payton has turned out to be quite a farmer, cowboy and water boy. He begs to flood irrigate our yard, and wears his knee length rubber boots everywhere he can, and don't forget the cowboy hat. I think he would be just fine to live w/ a few of the cousins who actually ride horses now and then...