Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's been going on?

Abbers our blondie blue-eyed girl!
Can you say Cheese Please????? Oh, we've got plenty of cheese around here!!!

Blow a little harder sis, you can do it, because mommy sure can't!!

Little birthday pizza, cousins, some pop, running around Blast Off, what else could be better?

Lindsey looking cute as a bug after her singing performance!
Getting ready to be "Down and Derby"

Holding the beloved "Bandit" mobile, dedicated to his Papa Dave who loved Smokey and the Bandit, and owned a car that looked just like it!!! Papa Dave- a.k.a., Burt Reynolds.

Hey Dad, how many hours do you, I mean we have into this car????

Payton and his Grandma Sharron who helped him earn his whittling badge. Yep, he almost lost a finger or two. Had proof at the Blue and Gold that he really did earn the badge....
Here's my boy who just turned 10 years old. He's almost as tall as his mom!!! Yikes!! Getting ready to Climb the Wall. Yes, it is pretty tricky, hang in there!!!

Blast Off- the best birthday idea for boys, where they can run, eat, run, eat, drink more pop, run eat, Laser Tag, eat, run, eat, drink the rest of the pop. What a fun night!!!


Robyn said...

LOVE the Bandit car! We're HUGE Smokey and the Bandit fans here, too!
Looks like some fun times for Payton!

Chuck McGirk said...

Hey, how are you? We have been so busy, we hope to see you on Friday. Love Rachel and Chuck ( That is one of Bri's alter egos)

Jaci said...

Oh, your kids are just SOOO darling, Bev! It is so fun to hear about all of them. I wish we could make a rainy spring break but that is the weekend that Em's getting baptized. Soak up some rain for me will ya? I would love to meet up somewhere someday though. I MISS YOU! Sending hugs your way .

theleaskfamily said...

Lindsay finally got me up and running with our family blog. Our blog spot is so check us out. Your blog page is great.