Thursday, October 9, 2008

SNOW- Oh NO!! Not already.....

Guess what? As I'm sitting in sunny California, it's in the 90's, and was in the 100's for our Magical Kingdom day, I just got word last night from the father-in-law that it's supposed to snow in IDEEHO! Oh good, it will be good, no more mowing and watering, we'll watch to see what's to come..... Wish me luck on a few more husband at home days, cuz it's going to end real soon. At least a couple of my friends will get theirs back from farming. So, let me know what happens...


peterandholly said...

I did have your link to your blog! :) Your background looks great. Now, I'm going to go and read about your fun trip. :)

Dirty Fingernails said...

HOLY SNow!!! Seriously?? I am still collecting tomatoes daily from my plants.. I am so NOT used to the cold anymore..